Thursday, March 11, 2010


Life has been a little crazy recently. And thoughts have been flitting through my head pretty quickly...

Sometimes there are people I know are amazing that I wish I could get to know, but I'm sure that won't happen...sometimes they are even related. Being near doesn't mean you are close.

What does "modern morality" mean? (I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray right now.)

Anyone who is appreciating the rain right now obviously doesn't have to walk to work. That said, I can't wait for summer...

Baseball. Never used to like it, and now I can't wait for it to start. Here's to many beautiful summer nights to enjoy the games at Target Field!

Money is a pain.

There is no need to move beyond children's and YA literature if you don't want to.

I love entertainment (movies, books, music, TV) but it is possible to make it feel like work.

Brilliant and creative people who blog (and who I've actually met): Bethany, Jess, Shaina, Andrew. Delighted (and slightly intimidated) to be in their company.

Lifestories is a game. Seriously. I played it on Saturday. Life stories really do bring you closer to people.

Wisdom is about the choices you make. I hope some day I attain it.

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