Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I've been slowly watching my way through all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joss Whedon is a genius and somewhat infuriating, which I think he would enjoy...

I'm about half way through season 6, and I recently watched the musical episode (well, listened is more accurate...) and I need to rewatch it (or so says Jen, who loaned me the DVDs.) It was entertaining and I can't help but marvel at the writer's (ready Joss Whedon's, but I know there are a few others too) ability to do a show like this based on the type of show they have (it easily works into the series because crazy it what the series does.) The singing of many of the cast members was not top notch, but the fact that they were doing it was pretty much amazing. I will revisit the topic after a second viewing.

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